Air Force Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain Khan, Sitara-i-Juraat

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•°o.O Born to Fly O.o°•
Mar 5, 2010
On the morning of September 7, Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain Khan engaged two Mysteres at low level, attacking Sargodha airfield.

He fired at one aircraft but as his target was flying at a very low altitude it was ineffective.

The two aircraft detected him and took evasive action. Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain Khan out maneuvered the Indian pilots and destroyed both aircraft.

The second, aircraft blew up in the air and the debris struck his aircraft and froze its flight controls.

Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain Khan ejected at 50 feet above ground level. This narrow escape from death had no ill effects on the pilot and within a day he was available and more than willing to continue his duties.

For his dedication to duty and courage, Flight Lieutenant Amjad Hussain Khan was awarded Sitara-i-Juraat.