How To Do Your Homework On Time If You're A Procrastinator

  • Work-from-home


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Mar 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Do you usually wait until the last minute to start your homework and then end up spending late nights drinking coffee and wishing you'd started earlier? Don't worry. This guide will help you to do your homework on time if you're a procrastinator. You'll transform yourself into an academic star who still has time to watch TV and catch up with friends on Facebook.

Method 1 of 2: Get Organized

  1. Choose the study environment that's right for you.
  • Choose a quiet area that is free of distractions including computers, cell phones, television and music. You may also want to avoid areas like your dining room table if having other people around will distract you.
  • Make sure that you have your supplies. Get out your books, your notebooks, your writing utensils and anything else that you need for studying.
  • Avoid doing homework on your bed. Do homework at a desk or at a table so that you aren't tempted to sleep.
  • Choose a well-lit area. Dim light tends to make focusing on your assignments more difficult.
2. Prioritize your assignments by dividing your homework into categories.
  • High Priority: This category includes homework that you have to turn in tomorrow. It may also include homework in subjects that you find more difficult. Do the work in this category first while you are more mentally focused.
  • Medium Priority: This category includes homework that is due later, including larger research projects. Divide these assignments into sections and do 1 or 2 sections every day until the due date.
  • Low Priority: These assignments include subjects that are very easy for you. Save them for last so that you can concentrate even when you are tired.
  • Skip extra credit assignments unless you're desperate for a better grade. Even you need a break sometimes.
Method 2 of 2: Establish a Routine

1. Determine which studying style works for you.
  • You may prefer to study in short time blocks. If staring at a book for 2 straight hours without a break makes you miserable, then don't do it. Work for 1 hour when you get home. Then, take a break, eat dinner and work for another hour after dinner.
  • You may want to start studying and work until you are finished. Make sure that you at least stand up and walk around every 45 minutes or so to refresh your mind and body.
  • You may learn best when you study with others. However, be honest with yourself. If other people distract you instead of helping you, then you need to study alone.
2. Ditch unproductive habits.
  • Avoid putting off large or difficult assignments until the last minute. You might not be able to finish them.
  • Never do your homework between 2 class periods. Rushing through an assignment usually results in a bad grade.
  • Avoid doing homework during a class. You might end up missing something important.
  • Save "late homework" passes (if you get them) for true emergencies.
  • Never copy other another person's work. You are capable of doing better. Besides, your teacher will catch on eventually.
  • Don't pull an all-nighter to finish an assignment. You'll make more mistakes when you're sleep-deprived.
3. Make time for fun.
  • Do 50 minutes of homework and then look at Facebook for 10 minutes. Just set a timer for yourself so that you don't procrastinate.
  • Reward yourself for a job well done. When you've finished studying, call or text a friend or go over to a friend's house. You can also do something that you love to do such as listening to music.

  • Good health can improve your study habits and can help you retain what you learn. Exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep and skip the alcohol and caffeine.
  • Music can be very helpful, but only listen to instrumental or songs in foreign languages. The lyrics can be distracting. Try using a site like Pandora.

  • Even the best students know that you can't work all of the time. Allow some relaxation time for yourself, particularly on the weekends. Good study habits make you work smarter, not harder.
Things You'll Need

  • Distraction-free study area
  • Books
  • Notebooks
  • Pencils and other writing utensils
  • Calculator for math
  • Lamp or other good light source
  • Timer