I can Try....

  • Work-from-home


Nov 20, 2008
یک زرہ سایہ انایت بھتر است
ھزاران کوشش اطاعت پرست


I cant do anything.
I am a useless person.
I have no skill or talent.
I have no strength or power.
Everything of mine is limited, small.
But You can do everything.
The biggest task is small for You.
You can make something from absolutely nothing.
You have power over everything.
All means are in Your control.
All hearts are in Your control.
All the keys to heavens and Earth are in Your hands.
You give without even an iota of fear of limit, You give in unlimited amounts.
You give just to show how great of a giver You are.
You give because Your treasure never depletes even a drop's worth.
You give because there is no one else to give except You.
There is no other giver except You.

Muster up some courage. Take a few steps. Keep your heart engaged in thinking about your weakness and your reliance and dependence on Allah swt. Then watch.

A mother sits her child on the other side of the room. Being totally aware of the short comings of the child she says, "Come to me." The child keeps its bright eyes on the mother, hoping to soon reunite in her arms. The child musters up some courage, with his diaper on, his baby feet, baby hands, this 3 foot person stands up. Then with unsteady baby feet this child puts one step on the right, the next unsteady baby step falls far across to the left. Slowly the baby leaves his hold on any support. The eyes are still focused on the mother, hoping to soon be reunited. The baby takes another unsteady step, uncoordinated. Feet are now too far apart to even stand properly. The child does not even take two proper steps that it suddenly starts to lose balance. Now totally off balance, eyes now showing its worry, its need and reliance on the mother, starts to tumble. The baby takes a few more short unsteady steps on his way to hit the ground but before the child hits the ground the mother runs over and scoops the child into her arms. The child did not even take two proper steps but the mother has a smile from ear to ear and kisses her child, praises the child, gives some reward to the child. The mother keeps in mind the effort the child made, the courage, making an attempt even without the support of any means.

Look here the father calls his baby to him; the child tries and fails, tries again and fails. The father never gets upset at the falls of his child but rather laughs and even makes an excuse on behalf of the child, "You walked a few steps." Maybe this can be our condition and Allah swt will say, "Ok you walked a few steps" - check. When you stand back and look at the entire picture of what we are trying to do here, how much different is it than the child trying to walk to its father? First of all we are wujud al mumkin, that which has possible existence. This in itself is a tremendous weakness. We are very weak creatures. Now you take it to the day to day life we live: If we miss two meals suddenly it becomes a life and death situation. If we get a little cold we are unable to function properly. Our knowledge is limited, its experimental knowledge. Our ideas limited. Our courage and strength limited. Our body itself is limited. We need sleep, we need a certain amount of food, we need this and that, all sorts of things we need just to live day to day. We have so many weaknesses attached and here we are mixed up in this tremendous effort. Doesnt Allah swt know of all of our weaknesses? Doesnt He take any regard for them? A father or mother in this world can take regard for their childs shortcomings and make excuses for them but Allah swt cant or wont? What is that saying in Farsi? I havent touched these things in so long I have forgotten completely. Look, another weakness, forgetfulness.

Rahmat e Haq ra bahana mijoyad.

Something like this, the mercy of Allah swt only looks for excuses. So we just keep trying. If we fail so what? Dust yourself off and try again.

Khawajah sahabs poem comes to mind:

Jo nakaam rahey umr bhar bhi,
Beher haal koshish aashique na chorey,
Ye rishta muhabbat ka qaim rakhey,
Jo sad baar tootey wo sad baar joray.

'Though he may fail throughout his life,
yet still, a lover of Allah should never stop trying,
he should keep this bond of love always joined,
if it breaks a hundred times he should mend it a hundred times.'

You try, you fail, you try, you fail, you try, you fail...big deal. If this is the game we are going to play in life so be it. Our life then will pass in this game and we will meet with our Creator playing this game. Some people, they just dont have the capacity for taking more than one step or two steps, they dont have the capacity to ever walk. Only Allah swt knows who has how much capacity in them. They are only tried for the amount they can do, no one is asked about something which is out of their control. For some people this is their steadfastness, trying and failing, they are steadfast in trying and failing, this is also a type of steadfastness. Big deal. A person should never stop trying. Move your hands and feet to the capacity you can. Never stop trying. Dont give up the effort no matter how small, no matter how little or how few and far between - the mercy of Allah swt might find its excuse in it.