iqbal pridection's about 21 century

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Jun 23, 2010
Dr. Allama Iqbal wasn’t just a poet; he can be regarded as a great Mystical Visionary who can see way ahead of his time in future through his vast Islamic spiritual knowledge base. Let’s discover what Iqbal has predicted in his Books Bang-e-Dra, Zarb-e-Kaleem, Baal-e-Jabreel and Armaghan-e-Hijaz for the rise and renaissance of Muslims.
Read English translation below each verse
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The lion who had emerged from the desert and had toppled the Roman Empire, is, as I am told by the angels, about to get up again (from his sleep)
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Whatever the eye is seeing cannot be described by the lips, I am lost in amazement as to what the world will become!, The night will eventually disappear by sun’s appearance! This garden will be filled with Light of Tauhid (Oneness of God)
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Events(incident) as yet folded(hidden) in the scroll of time, Reflect in the mirror of my perception
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Tomorrow is still hidden in intention, but its dawn is flashing before my eyes.
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Plans will be reversed, destiny will be changed; this is a fact with truth, not fiction of my thought.
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My hearts mirror shows me both world’s secrets; I relate exactly what I witness before my eyes.
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The same storm is raging today in the souls of Muslim, A Divine secret it is, Not for the lips to utter, Let us see what surfaces from the depths of the deep. Let us see what color, The blue sky changes into.
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The storm in the West made Muslims Muslims, Pearls are produced in abundance from the very buffetings (shaking) of the sea; The true believers are once more to receive from the court of God; the glory of the Turkamans, the intellects of the Indians (referring Great Muslim conquerors and Mystics of India ), and the eloquence of the Arabs.
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Open your eyes and look at the mirror of my words; see a hazy picture of the age(time) to come.
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Look into heart’s mirror for destiny manifestation; The sky will shine mirror-like with the morning’s light; and the night’s darkness will be speeding away! The spring breeze will be so melody inspiring; The flower bed’s silent fragrance will become so melodious! The garden’s afflicted (suffered) ones will unite with other afflicted (suffered) ones.
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By Men whose eyes see far and wide, new cities shall be founded; Not by old Kufa or Bagdad is my thought’s vision bounded (seeing new civilizations better than old Kufa and Bagdad times).
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The gardener should not be upset by seeing the garden’s state; Branches are about to appear from the bunches of buds; The garden will be cleared soon of the waste and trash; The red of the martyrs’ blood will be producing rose buds; Look a little the color of the sky somewhat red is; This the glowing of the horizon by the rising sun is!
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No wonder if the Muslims gain, their ancient glory one again; Sanjar’s Splendor pomp and state(sovereign authority), the piety(piousness) and faqar of mystics great .

Regards: Mashraki.larka@Tm
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