Love is Born in Our Heart

  • Work-from-home


TM Star
Oct 24, 2010

One day a doctor was reading a newspaper at his clinic at about 7.30am when an old patient in his 70s rashly entered. The clinic staff rushed to help him.

The doctor was watching the whole situation through a transparent window. The ward boy came to him and said: "The old man visited our clinic three weeks ago; we stitched his fingers. Now he desires us to remove it." The doctor told him to wait till 8am - the time of opening of the clinic.
The ward boy went outside but came back saying the old man was requesting him that he had to reach somewhere at 8am.

The doctor threw his newspaper down and went angrily right to the old man who was standing next to my office.

Doctor: I told you that our clinic timings start at 8am.
Old man: Please do it now, and bent on his knees.
Doctor: I really got mad at him but due to his age I started his treatment. While treating him, I asked where he wanted to go at 8am.
Old man: My wife is admitted to hospital and I want to be there at 8am.
Doctor: Is your wife admitted for an operation?
Old man: No.
Doctor: Then why you are in such a hurry?
Old man: Because every morning I have to take her breakfast.
Doctor: Why do you do so?
Old man: For the past five years my wife has been in hospital and I was never late to take breakfast to her in any circumstances.
Doctor: Again I asked him why?
Old man: I'm repaying her loan. We lived together for 50 years. In this period she was never late to cook my breakfast and make it ready at 8am. We do have many servants but still she got up early at 6am, cooked and waited for me to join her at 8am. Now that she's in hospital, I have taken up this job. And for the past five years, I have been making breakfast for her.
Doctor: I asked him about the details of the illness of his wife.
Old man: She has lost her memory. She doesn't recognise anyone in this world. She doesn't remember me, nor does she know why I take breakfast to her every morning at 8 o'clock.

In a few minutes, the doctor had removed his stitches and cleaned it with spirit and said: "You are outside free to go now."
I accompanied him till the door outside. At the exit I asked him one last question.

Doctor: When your wife doesn't remember you and she fails to see the difference between you and the ward boy, why do you bother yourself every morning?
Old man: But I recognise her. I know who she is and her value in my life. She lost her memory but still she's my wife and will remain my wife till my last breath and I'll remain to serve her. Love's relation is not with memory neither with body or brain. It is born in hearts and remains there till the last breath. So, if your beloved doesn't remember you, your love shouldn't decrease. Think if I could be in her place then will she quit me? She'll do the same as what I'm doing now.

That moment, the doctor realised what real love was.
The doctor never met the old man again but every morning 8am brings joy and happiness in his life and he gets lost in love. He does love his wife as she loves him and will never abandon from loving her, till the day he dies.


TM Star
Oct 24, 2010
Sometime i pressureize on my fingures to write what i'm thinking and the result u can see :)
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