Some rulings on Mobile ring tones

  • Work-from-home


Nov 20, 2008
Some rulings on Mobile ring tones

1). Musical tunes on cell phones are haraam:

It is not permissible to use the musical tunes on telephones or any other kind of gadget, because listening to musical instruments is haraam as is indicated by the evidence of sharee3ah. We should do without them and use the regular ringing.(1)
2). Using Qur’aan verses as Mobile ring tones :
“It is forbidden to use verses of the Qur’aan as mobile telephone ringtones.”
The Islamic Jurisprudence Council has banned the use of the verses of the Qur’aan as ringtones for mobile phones because it impinges on the sacred character of the the Book.
“It is demeaning and degrading to the verses of the Holy Book to stop abruptly at the middle of a recitation or neglecting the recitation, as happens when they are used as ringtones in mobile phones.” (2)

Annoying ringing of mobile phones in the mosques:
Setting mobile phones to ring with a musical tone is reprehensible and haraam, andit is even worse and more haraam if that happens in the houses of Allaah, namely the mosques, because that is openly committing falsehood and haraam in that place, so the sin of the one who brings it with him is even worse in the mosque. It is known that the Prophet sallAllaahu 3Alayhi wa sallam stated that musical instruments are haraam, meaning the instruments that give these musical sounds. These mobile phones have these sounds recorded in them which is repeated every time a call comes to the owner of the phone.
We should note that the ringing of the telephone, even if it is a permissible sound, should still be turned off before entering the mosque, so that it will not disturb the worshippers. (3)
And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek and to whom we complain. There is no power and no strength except with Allaah.


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