News 'Triple threat' stalks flood-hit Pakistan

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Aug 22, 2010
Tafreeh Mela Chat Box
ISLAMABAD: The World Food Programme on Tuesday warned that flood-ravaged Pakistan faced a “triple threat” after the worst disaster in the country's history left eight million people dependent on aid to survive.

The floods have washed away huge swathes of the rich farmland on which the country's struggling economy depends.

“There is a triple threat unfolding as this crisis widens and deepens,” World Food Programme chief Josette Sheeran said at a press conference with other United Nations officials in Islamabad, after visiting flooded areas.

“People have lost seeds, crops and their incomes, leaving them vulnerable to hunger, homelessness and desperation —the situation is extremely critical,” she said.

Anthony Lake, chief of the UN children's fund Unicef, said that the disaster had affected nearly 8.6 million children.

“In many ways it is a children's emergency,” Lake said. “There is also a potential second wave of death from waterborne diseases. This is likely to get much worse if we can't reach people with clean water, adequate nutrition, sanitation and vaccination,” he said.

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