Walking our of a Dream

  • Work-from-home


(v)i§§· ßµølï ßµð£ï¨
Mar 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Trance states:
Waking out of a dream is not the only way that people change dimensions. One can pass from the third dimension to another dimension in a state of trance. A trance, bestowed by Allah on rare occasions on people such as messengers, religious scholars and guides, resembles neither sleep nor wakefulness. Our Prophet (saas) spoke to Gabriel (puuh) while in a state of trance. One can meet with Hazrat Khidhir (pbuh) in that state. A trance is an extraordinary dimension that Bediüzzaman Said Nursi often entered.

The Rank of Martyrdom:
Another verse indicating the existence of other states of being outside the one people are familiar with concerns the ranks and position of martyrs

One such verse reads:
Do not say that those who are killed in the Way of Allah are dead. On the contrary, they are alive but you are not aware of it.”(Surat al-Baqara, 154)

Allah has revealed that although martyrs appear to have died in our terms, we must not refer to them as dead.

The verse reveals that martyrs are alive, not dead, but that people cannot fully conceive how this is.

The words "... but you are not aware of it..." indicate that we cannot know and understand this situation under the conditions of this world.

(Allah alone knows the truth.)

Other verses referring to the situation of martyrs reveal that Allah gives them life in a very different dimension in which there is no time and space:

Do not suppose that those killed in the Way of Allah are dead

No indeed! They are alive and well provided for in the very presence of their Lord

delighting in the favor Allah has bestowed on them, rejoicing over those they left behind who have not yet joined them,

feeling no fear and knowing no sorrow, rejoicing in blessings and favor from Allah and that Allah does not let the wage of the believers go to waste.”(Surat al-‘Imran, 169-171)

As we have seen, martyrs live in a dimension unknown to other people.

In that dimension they are fed, feel joy and wish to send news of themselves to those who come after them.

The fact that our Lord has created various dimensions and that it is possible to pass between them is revealed in another verse:

You will mount up stage by stage!” (Surat al-Inshiqaq, 19)
