Are Gaming sites Safe?

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Nov 13, 2008
Online gaming has become synonymous with fun and also connects people to each other while giving their imaginations free rein. However, the line between real and virtual worlds is blurring, raising complex issues relating to risk management. We have seen a proliferation of online games in recent years, particularly the Massively Multi-player Online Games (MMOGs). This has led to several information and data related risks with online gaming beginning to encounter many real world issues – theft of identity and virtual assets, extortion, and even black markets.

Online gaming today

Online games and their subscribers are growing at an exponential pace leading to the emergence of a multi billion dollar industry. Statistics show that the online gaming market is worth more than $15 billion today (Source: Online MBA). Currently, MMOGs such as World of Warcraft and Lineage enjoy the biggest share of this lucrative pie with the popularity of MMOGs expected to continue well beyond 2010. In fact, a recent addition to the World of Warcraft franchise, The Burning Crusade, sold an astonishing 2.4 million copies in 24 hours, becoming the fastest selling PC game in the world!

Virtual economies – a risky business

The MMOG phenomena creates worlds where virtual land, products and services can be bought, sold and then turned into real cash – resulting in parallel economies. Unsurprisingly, this has become a goldmine for all too real criminals since MMOGs do not just generate revenue for the creators of the game. In the virtual worlds, real money is used to buy in-game, virtual items such as weapons in order to progress faster through the game. Additionally, as virtual currency can be converted into real money and back, virtual profits too are targeted by cyber criminals.

Additionally, as these games require a person to be connected to the Internet for long periods, it presents an opportunity for criminals to make illicit profit and exploit security vulnerabilities.

The risks associated with online gaming can be broadly divided into technological and social risks.

Technology risks
  • Viruses and Worms: These may be present in email attachments and instant messaging programs or be hidden in downloadable games and software.
  • Insecure Gamer Servers: If the game server is compromised, computers that are connected to it could be compromised, resulting in attacks on other computers, installation of harmful programs and access to personal data.
  • Malware: Malware authors develop Trojans specifically to harvest passwords and login details from MMOG users.
Social risks
  • Most online games today require chatting or instant messaging. Criminal elements may try to utilize this social interaction to exploit security vulnerabilities and gain access to computers and commit identity theft. The intruders may:
    • capture personal information
    • steal identity
    • steal credit card information
    • Steganography and covert channels
    • trick people into revealing personal information
    Using personal data gathered illegally, criminal elements can create fake profiles in other games, establish accounts, resell profiles or access existing financial records.
Security protocols

Practicing simple safety measures will not only help protect your computer but also increase gaming confidence.

General Security Practices

Basic computer security protocols practiced for other applications have to be followed in online gaming as well. This includes:
  • Scanning attachments before opening them
  • Using controls such as firewalls, anti virus, anti spyware, encyrptions and strong authentication.
  • Use best practices such as periodic backs , regular patching and system updates.
Gaming-Specific Security Practices

Manage firewalls: While home users often use firewalls to protect their computers, playing a multiple player online game may require the firewall to create an exception to allow data from the game to get through. However, every time more permissive security settings are allowed, it increases the vulnerability of the computer.

Utilize intrusion detecting software: Use intrusion detecting software to recognize hackers or malicious software that infiltrates computers.

Be security aware: Though security is a technical issue, it cannot be solved without human action. Ensuring adequate security requires the cooperation of game developers and other players as well as an awareness of potential threats and the recommended action.

In conclusion, imaginary worlds and magic elements are extremely entertaining and allow developers to reap huge benefits. But while being part of the gaming community, following basic security guidelines will safeguard against security threats and ensure that the fun and games continue.
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