But Life Never Promised To Be Bed Of Roses

  • Work-from-home


Apr 16, 2013
Pakistan.. karachi
Bed of roses

life never promised to be bed of roses
it gave a body to sttruggel
to live a life in hurdels
learning new lessons
meating new people
making new friends
creating new fights
life gave us the heart to
falling in love
to give us emotions
to fill us with feelings
life gave us the life to live
with love, struggel and to win
but never promised to be the bed of roses
we made it difficult
with the making greed our need
filling desire by killing the breed
breed of innosense
which was once our
but had forgotten its path
life gave the things to use and people to love
but we loved the things
and used the people
for the cruelity to be filled
still expetcting for the good
but life never promised to be bed of roses