E book " the multidimensional data modeling toolkit"

  • Work-from-home


Oct 30, 2009
Hi there,{(yahoo12)}

Written in a tutorial style, this book gives a step-by-step development of the defining principles of OLAP analysis through the lens of the programming language at the heart of Oracle's OLAP option. This book will show you ways to leverage the value of your data warehouse through refining the information it contains to create cogent, actionable measures of business performance. The content is informative and practical, reflecting over 15 years of hands-on experience developing multidimensional analytic applications for over a dozen companies. Whether you are new to business intelligence or a seasoned practitioner, whether you are using Oracle OLAP now or another toolset, The Multi-dimensional Data ModelingToolkit will have something significant to offer you.

The content of the book is based on the Oracle 10g database, however, most of the programming statements shown will work with other editions of the database, such as Oracle 9i and 11g, and even earlier editions of the technology found in stand-alone products such as the Express database, Oracle Financial Analyzer, and Oracle Sales.

The reader will gain a detailed knowledge of the Oracle OLAP DML programming language, they will see a plethora of analytical devices specific to the OLAP approach, they will learn the relationship between the tables in a relational data warehouse and the storage devices employed by OLAP cubes; the Oracle OLAP metadata will be examined.

The book can be downloaded by visiting learn-oracle-olap dot com