Hadeeth On The Rites Of Hajj

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Wasif Safi

!!pRaISe D CReAtOr!!
Oct 1, 2009
Hyderabad, India
Abu Dawud Book 04. The Rites of Hajj

Narated By Abdullah ibn Umar : AbuUmamah at-Taymi said: I was a man who used to give (riding-beasts) on hire for this purpose (for travelling during the pilgrimage) and the people would tell (me): Your hajj is not valid. So I met Ibn Umar and told him: AbuAbdurRahman, I am a man who gives (riding-beast) on hire for this purpose (i.e. for hajj), and the people tell me: Your hajj is not valid. Ibn Umar replied: Do you not put on ihram (the pilgrim dress), call the talbiyah (labbayk), circumambulate the Ka'bah, return from Arafat and lapidate jamrahs? I said: Why not? Then he said: Your hajj is valid. a man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him the same question you have asked me. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) kept silence and did not answer him till this verse came down: "It is no sin for you that you seek the bounty of your Lord." The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) sent for him and recited this verse to him and said: Your hajj is valid.

Wasif Safi

!!pRaISe D CReAtOr!!
Oct 1, 2009
Hyderabad, India
Abu Dawud Book 04. The Rites of Hajj

Narated By Al-Bara' ibn Azib : I was with Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) when the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) appointed him to be the governor of the Yemen. I collected some ounces of gold during my stay with him.

When Ali returned from the Yemen to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) he said: I found that Fatimah had put on coloured clothes and the smell of the perfume she had used was pervading the house. (He expressed his amazement at the use of coloured clothes and perfume.)

She said: What is wrong with you? The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) has ordered his companions to put off their ihram and they did so.

Ali said: I said to her: I raised my voice in talbiyah for which the Prophet (pbuh) raised his voice (i.e. I wore ihram for qiran). Then I came to the Prophet (pbuh).

He asked (me): How did you do? I replied: I raised my voice in talbiyah, for which the Prophet (pbuh) raised his voice. He said: I have brought the sacrificial animals with me and combined umrah and hajj. He said to me: Sacrifice sixty-seven or sixty-six camels (for me) and withhold for yourself thirty-three or thirty-four, and withhold a piece (of flesh) for me from every camel.
Abu Dawud Book 04. The Rites of Hajj

Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : The Prophet (pbuh) heard a man say: Labbayk (always ready to obey) on behalf of Shubrumah. He asked: Who is Shubrumah? He replied: A brother or relative of mine. He asked: Have you performed hajj on your own behalf? He said: No. He said: perform hajj on your own behalf, then perform it on behalf of Shubrumah.
Abu Dawud Book 09. Sacrifice
Chapter : On the age of the sacrificial animal.

Narated By Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhani : The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) distributed sacrificial animals among his Companions. He gave me a kid (of less than a year). I took it to him and said: This is a kid. He said: Sacrifice it. so I sacrificed it.