I Hope We Meet Again

  • Work-from-home


BEiNg SiNglE is My ATtITUde
Super Star
May 7, 2012
I Hope We Meet Again

I come back to the only place I know
Where not finding you
I can feel close to you:
Your words

These complex feelings
Expressed in words
are all I have of you
But it's something

However sad they make me fee
It's OK
I'm getting used to the sadness
At least I have your words

And I realize that when I said I cared
I really meant it
I miss you often
This my selfish sorrow

I dream that one day we will meet
and I will not disappoint you
I never saw you but I imagine you
To be so beautiful

And if not, I will still be so happy
Just to know you are alive
and haven't given up on life
as I really fear you have

I hope so much you are alive
and all my personal hopes
they're secondary to your health and safety
Still I care

I hope to walk with you one day
Here or somewhere else
I want to share who I am with you
If I'm not too old and grey when we meet

Or maybe we'll meet in another life
somewhere away from here
And if so I hope you recognize me somehow
by my spirit...or me by yours

For that
I think I will know
because I already have felt your spirit
and have seen your heart