Lumigon Corp. Announces Two Uniquely Designed Smartphones

  • Work-from-home


Nov 20, 2008
Lumigon Corp. Announces
Two Uniquely Designed Smartphones, the T1 and S1
A third model will come out when the world is ready for it

Who knew that the Danish could make such a spectacular smartphone? I love their approach and these phones have a certain “je ne sais quois” about them. Just look at their exterior design. Lumigon Corp. simply said “Stop!” regarding colors. No more fancy peacock exteriors, no more traditional silver colored cases and no more hibiscus pink or ocean blue ones either.

Simply black and white, on a very slim case, with a dark black screen that seems to see into your soul. Or maybe their pictures have big contrast levels. Anyway, who doesn't like them can go back to their Pebble any time they desire. I am sticking with my fellow Danish phone makers Lumigon Corporation, here.

"The phones have foundation in the Scandinavian heritage of contemporary design, coupled with the finest materials such as steel, aluminum and scratch-free glass. These uniquely designed phones are furthermore packed with features not seen in mobile phones before," stated Pekka Kotiranta, VP of Sales and Marketing, Lumigon.

The three models that Lumigon announced have simple names just like their design, as they call them the T1, S1 and E1. The last will not be released just now and the producers say that is because us simple humans are not yet ready to see such a phone. They are treating the E1 launch as if it were the second coming, not just a mobile phone release. PR works in mysterious ways, what can I say? "E1 is the most beautiful phone I have ever seen during my entire 10 year career in mobile business," said Lumigon's founder Lars Gravesen.

Regarding the phones that we are worthy of receiving, the simple black and white-cased T1 and S1, I am pleased to tell you about the OS they are being powered by, which is the world famous Android 2.1. A nice touch by the Scandinavians, along with the addition of Freescale processors. They have 720p HDMI outputs and TFT touchscreens, A-GPS and will also act as a capable remote for other entertainment gadgets you might have at home. The T1 is a touch-based smartphone and the S1 features a T9 keyboard.

As early as the start of Q2 this year, the T1 will be available for purchase, while the S1 is going to make its appearance at the end of Q2.