Military Force an option against Iran

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom

Military force shouldn't be ruled out as a response to an alleged Iranian assassination plot on U.S. soil, the top House Republican on intelligence issues said.

"I don't think you should take it off the table," Michigan Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said yesterday on ABC's "This Week." Rogers said other options include rallying the international community against Iran or taking action against Iranian operatives in Iraq.

Officials are considering what action to take following the Justice Department's Oct. 11 accusation that Iran sponsored a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S. The conspiracy involved a secret Iranian military unit and a citizen of the Islamic state with a U.S. passport, U.S. officials said.

President Barack Obama said this week that there were "direct links" to Iran's government, which has rejected the allegation.​