My Life Without U..!!

  • Work-from-home


BEiNg SiNglE is My ATtITUde
Super Star
May 7, 2012
my life without you
is like a flower without smell
my life without u
is like a day without sun
my life without you
is like a tree without leaves

my life without you
is like rainbow without colour
my life without you
is like country without ruler
my life without you
is like a night without darkness
my life without you
is like a sea without wave
my life without you
is like a bird without wings
my life without you
is like an eyes without dreams

my life without you
is like a heart without beats
my life without you
is like a boy without aims
my life without you is nothing

cuz my being is all yours
i just cannot think a day without you
you are my first and last love
that i always feel in my heart