Mystery surrounds man who left £628,000 in a restaurant

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom

While leaving a few pounds behind for good service in a restaurant is pretty normal, police in Sydney were left scratching their heads after one man left an awful lot more than that.

The man — wearing surf shorts, red flip flops and a yellow top — ordered a coffee at Cafe Marco in Sydney's Burwood suburb on Tuesday morning, but left before it could be served. He also left a suitcase.

"It's crazy, it's scary. Now we can laugh about it, but yesterday I was scared. I called the police," a staff member at Cafe Marco told AP.

The police, who arrived with a forensics team, discovered the unlocked case was stuffed with nearly AUS $1 million (£628,000) in $50 notes.

"The money has been counted, fingerprinted and DNA swabbed, and is now in a very secure place," said Acting Superintendent Ian Pryde.

They then went looking for the man who left it. He was found several hours later, sitting "dazed" in a gutter in the rain, taken to Burwood police station where police reported that he assaulted three officers, causing them minor injuries.

What happened next is unclear, but the mystery man — later revealed to be 49 years old and a Chinese national from Hong Kong — was taken to Concord Hospital where he stayed under guard for two days.

After being released back into police custody the man was charged with handling stolen goods and assaulting police officers. He was refused bail.

Where the money comes from, what he was doing with it and what spooked him so much he ran off without it are all, so far, unexplained.​