''the Battle Within''

  • Work-from-home


Apr 16, 2013
Pakistan.. karachi
''The battle within''

He's fightin a lossing battle
and all this, before the fightin even begins
He figures, had it only been the odds up against him, knowing the nam, I'd say he stood a chance, but with half his own mind
in opposition, firing at 'him' more deadlier questions than 'self' can shield answers!

Could flight now be the end to his troubles,
or would it jus lead him into even deeper waters, indecision & dispair at the face of difficulty & uncertinty, such has been the promises all his yesterdays have held and flight never a solution on offer!

Now he understands each choice made, not only to be an acceptance of the of promise its concequencies hold in all certinty, but also as a secrifice of the promises the foresken choices held in their uncertinty! He stays and fights!