The Path I Trail

  • Work-from-home


Apr 16, 2013
Pakistan.. karachi
The path I trail

The path i held to walk by,
not stretched into any illusions,
not illuminated by glories of the world,
yet enlightened by my own vision...

Neither scarred by pacing feet,
nor swaddled by rugged leaves,
shining crimson with the uprising dawn,
lit silver in crystal moonlight...

No glimpse of acquaintances or any pasers by,
treading down this path,
neither maps nor hanging boards,
directing this unfathomable road...

No sound of fleeting cars,
nor of scurried impressions,
floating in the waves of serenity,
I can hear the rumblings of my own expressions...

From closed edifices on the streets,
I've now walked a thousand miles down,
on this esoteric trail,
accentuated by meadows around...

not lit by dim street lamps,
but by the pallor of scintillating twinklers,
swayed by whispers of symphonic breeze,
with the tender kiss of heavenly sprinklers...

Now my sight ain't obscured by the wordly grandeurs,
for i've found the self within me,
I chose to walk by the same path,
setting the bird of it's cage free!!!