A Friend Will Always

  • Work-from-home


Darknes will Fall
Jun 21, 2007
A friend will always...

Cheer you up,
When you're blue

Listen to all your woes
Help you out with your foes

Encourage you to succeed
Know when you are in need

Remember you on special days
Help you out in so many ways

Tell you how things really are
Remember you from afar

Give you what support they can
Be your true and logal fan

Love you in good times or bad
Build you up when you're sad

Help you when you've done it wrong
Remind you that you do belong

Give you a pat on the back
Tell you when you've got the knack

Hug you just to console
Remind you that you have a goal

Celebrate your victories
Pick you up from your knees

Hurt with you when you're down
And Try to wipe away your frown
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