A Part of My Soul

  • Work-from-home


Darknes will Fall
Jun 21, 2007
A Part of My Soul

On a warm summer night spent under the midnight skies of blue
A romantic evening shared by two
Everything were so calm and so serene
When you asked me to share this life with love within

A tender loving smile on such a loving face
As I said your love for me is a bless
Cupid’s arrow has struck my heart and made me see
What I feel for you is larger than the sea

If I could describe a feeling; the feeling of loving you
Nothing means as much to me as you
For my soul found a reason to love you in yet another way
Grounded in trust; nurtured by love in grown of silver sparkled rays

God gave us miracles in our heart and lives
The greatest thing for us to keep the seed and not making it weak
To be with you and seen my dreams come true
Today I’ve found more happiness with you

Your smile is the language everytime you speak
For that love is one thing that my heart has been seek
Your sweet kisses greet me on my morning stroll
For now I know you are apart of my soul
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