An Ode To A Bestfriend

  • Work-from-home


Darknes will Fall
Jun 21, 2007
I feel something for my best-friend.
I feel it like a cool breeze off the lake
On a summer night. I really like him.
We connect on levels yet to be discovered
Like the elements on the periodic table.
He makes me laugh like no other. Like
When my mind is filled with sad or angry times,
He cheers me up. With his unique personality,
He dazzles me. At times, he is indifferent to situations
That ordinary people dwell and stress on,
Something I admire in him. We get along
With one another better than me and money:
Something I love.
I smile at the mention of his name, because
We have never had sad times just countless moments
Of happiness and fun down to the seconds.
I cherish the time we spend,
Because life is short life I value his.

I feel something for my best-friend.
Like I feel something for all my best-friends,
But I have yet to find what in him, I feel in me.
I canâ��t just clich�© our relationship and call us:
Buddies, pals, and �Bonnie and Clyde.�
I feel his hurt and joy
Like we breathe with the same wind pipe, and
We walk tall, because we are each others spine.
I care for him.
He is an important figure to the timeline of my life:
I learned from him, and in his absence, I sprouted
Into a young, beautiful, intelligent woman
For in his presence, he would notice me.
I feel something deep in me that swells my head
With thoughts of my best-friend, and how thankful I am to have him.
He is a unique individual: he doesn�t act like most guys nor does
He act like society expects him to;
I feel something for my best-friend.