As I Whisper Your Name

  • Work-from-home


Darknes will Fall
Jun 21, 2007
I listen to the wind
And I hear your voice
I feel the sun on my face
And I feel the warmth of your touch

You are everywhere around me
You told me you were only a whisper away
And as I whisper your name
I feel you... your presence

Your love of the earth
Your beautiful light
The simplicity of your honesty
All these things I see

In all the miraculous world around me
And when I look deep within myself

I know that when I am sad
You feel it and you are there, somehow,
To comfort me... I feel your tenderness
Reaching out to me from wherever you are

In a poem I read
In a song I hear
I see you in everything I do
And everywhere I go each day

And I know you will never be far

You will always be there for me
In all the beauty of just living
Through my joys and my sorrows
My triumphs and pain

Somehow I know.... that you'll always be there for me

I know because your love and your light
Will always be inside me... in my heart and my soul
Shining through... helping me face the world
And give to others what you gave to me

Unconditional love and acceptance
That is what I will try to do, my love,
Is to use what you gave me
To be strong through my trials

And joyful in my successes

And share this with others
That need it so much
Just the way I did
When you gave it to me.

I know that's what you wanted me to do
When you told me not to give up on my dreams
Not to quit writing and reaching out to others
In my unique way, that no one else has

So I will keep trying:
For you, my love,
But also for me
And for those that still need

What we both have to give.
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