Attention: Computer Users Must Read It !

  • Work-from-home


May 4, 2014
Last night I was surfing on internet so while using my PC I felt that screen of my computer is vibrating, I was little shocked and worried what is this happening then I switched on lights and tried to check out the matter. In fact I called my parents and they told me everything is fine, it’s your illusion. But of course how would I believe, then I investigate it deeply and I came to know that everything is fine except me. Just because of using my computer for long time in dark room the rays of screen affected my eyes and brain in such a way that it was revolving.

So here i came to know that continuously using computer without having any break can cause headache, backache, survical, Dizziness etc.

Let’s talk about what happens actually, I was working on computer in low light so staring continuously to my computer screen not only creates fatigue but also made stress in it. Definitely eyes are one important sense of human body and it is directly connected to brains. In fact increment in visual demands and decrements in blinking eyes are the factors that contribute to computer related eye strain. So much so many people now use tablet PCs, iphone, ipad etc instead of books which makes eyes strain even worst. Not only that continuously using those electronic devices can cause dark circles under eyes, eye glaucoma, headache, sore neck and bone joints also.

Millions of people worldwide today suffer from computer using fatigue, so what are you waiting for throw that device right now
(Just a joke). Throwing that device is not only option there are some easy eye exercises for computer users (check link) that can help relieve the strain upon your eyes. Find out exercises that helps your eyes feeling better and allows you to manage your work in timely manner.