How You Can Easily Boost Your Web Site’s Success Today

  • Work-from-home


Always different.., Confirm
Jul 22, 2008
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Most people who come to most sites give up without getting what they came for. That costs site owners billions every year. How many people leave your web site empty-handed? What does that cost you?
The reason why most sites fail is not from lack of cleverness or creativity. (In fact, it's usually the reverse.) Most web sites fail for the most obvious of reasons - not making it easy for people to get what they want!
I have been designing web sites for over 15 years, and have seen thousands of examples of what works - and what fails. These experiences have taught me a simple approach to web design that produces results time after time.
How to Make Your Web Site Make More Money

I would like to pass my approach on to you, so that you can apply the principles and boost your web site’s profits today – without having to spend 15 years learning the hard way!That’s why I wrote “Save the Pixel”, my simple guide to web sites that work. ”Save the Pixel” gives you a clear step-by-step guide you can apply today to make your web site more effective.

New! Second Edition

The second edition of “Save the Pixel” includes even more info and examples to show you exactly how to transform your web sites today.
The new edition has 70 more pages, 38 new screenshots, lots more examples, plus a brand new “In a Nutshell” chapter that gives you all the Save the Pixel principles in a handy check list to use with your own designs.
You don’t need to be a designer to get the benefit of this book. If you are a site owner, web developer, or responsible for your organisation’s web site, “Save the Pixel” will help you to succeed.
Simplicity is the Key

The “Save the Pixel” approach shows that simplicity is the key to your web site’s success. We have proved that simple web designs can consistently deliver better results.
It’s easy to say “keep it simple, stupid”. That mantra has been around for 15 years. But doing simple design that works isn’t as easy as all that.
This book doesn’t just tell you to design simple sites. It walks you through the process step by step. And it shows you, with over 20 full home page redesigns.
Most web sites are designed to please the person who did the design – not the person who has to use the site. They include content and design that may be appealing, but do nothing to help conversion if they draw attention away from the elements that lead to success.
Any stuff that is added to a site that does not directly support the site’s goals by helping serve visitors will decrease your web site’s success rate.
When done effectively, simple web design lets you guide your visitors’ attentionto the clues that tell them they’re in the right place. It shows them exactly where to go next to find what they want, with minimal distraction.
It keeps them focused on the content (not the packaging of the content) and on the next steps you offer them.