I care about him

  • Work-from-home


Nov 12, 2009
"I care about him too much," she says
She's wearing flannel pajamas and a college sweatshirt
She'd always gone for comfort
Comfort and a good bowl of ice cream
She refuses to cry
And I watch her and admire her strength
And I admire her sensitivity
I'd flipped out one time and she had to wrestle the knife away from me
I saw her eyes that night when she threw the knife across the room
When she told me I couldn't hurt myself 'cause she'd miss me
We were Siamese twins once- joined at the hip
We're just people now
Nothing special...about me at least
She appreciates everything
She goes through his drawers and tells me the meaning of it all
She opens my eyes
She's never had anyone that deserved her
She's never been on a pedestal to anyone...
She laughs as she helps me up when I'd fallen
"I don't think you know how smart you are" she tells me
And I watch her eyes water
She could talk for hours
All night, if acting happy didn't take up so much damn energy
I wish she didn't have to act anymore
I wish life wasn't such a movie
I'm sick of all those fighting scenes
And crying scenes
And I know she is too, but she's always been such a good actress
She laughs when I walk in the rain
She's always been more fond of the sun
She likes nice weather when she goes to get the mail