I Carry Your Heart With Me

  • Work-from-home


Jan 19, 2009

I Carry Your Heart With Me

I Carry Your Heart With Me

(Iam Never Without It)

AnyWhere I Go You Go My Dear.

And Whatever Is Done By Only Me Is Your Doing My Darling.

I Fear No Fate For You Are My Fate My Sweet.

I Want No World For You Are My World

My True And It's You Are Whatever A Moon,

Has Always Meant And Whatever A Sun Will Always Sing Is You.

Here Is The Deepest Secret Nobody Knows

Here Is The Root Of The Root And Bud Of The Bud And The Sky Of A Tree Called Life

Which Grows Higher Than Soul Can Hope

Or Mind Can Hide And This Is The Wonder

That's Keeping The Stars Apart

I Carry Your Heart With Me
