
  • Work-from-home


TM Star
Jan 11, 2009
I look back in the past
Not knowin whats in store
for my future
And I’m just reminded
Of everything I did
Everything I’ve done
I remember when I won my 1st race
Getting that 1st place trophy
Stompin around celebrating like I was in a parade
I remember when I past out in the shade
Those where the good days
And that was only in 3rd grade
The good days when life was made
The good days where I could just sit back and relax and
Just sit back and relax
Now that I think about it
You can discover more about someone in an hour of play,
Than a lifetime of conversation
It’s all about liberation
Lettin your mind be set free
And tryin to be what
you want to be
I remember when I was young
And I didn’t really think
I just reacted upon
And to my satisfaction
I would jus sit down and
Watch chip and dale
I would jus sit down and watch
Tail (pause) spin
And now my life is spinnin
I don’t know when its gone stop
I remember when I got to middle school
And I started to change
My mind was deranged
I was loosing focus of what I really wanted in life
I was loosing sight
Of my dreams
And it seemed as if I was losing grasp
Of how people judge one off one’s past
And therefore try to foretell there future
I remember growin up watching
Sanford and Son
Telling my self
Imma try and get up out this slum
I remember growin up with the mentality of
The little chu chu train
I think I can
I think I can
And now I am
On the right path towards a better future
I remember
When I thought
School was a breeze
School was a tease
But reality hit me
When I got into high school
I’m on the other side
Tying to get where the grass is greener
But would it mean
Something to you
If based off my experience
If I told you
Life isn’t as easy as getting a par
It’s not like the book
“where the wild things are”
sure there are parts when you can be carefree
but in
you need to make the right decisions
You hold the key to your own future
Right now all the doors
are open to you
It’s your decision whether or not you want to leave those doors open
I remember
Once being told that by a wise man
It’s like an hour glass
with sand
when you first hear it
it doesn’t really grasp your mind
but as time
you end up understanding the concept
Those are my memories
And they will help shape my future
Featuring me into the none feeble man I am today
And if I may
Ask you
Can you do
the same
and try to remember
your childhood memories
try and make your memories
your childhood dreams of success
become a reality