
  • Work-from-home


TM Star
Jan 11, 2009
You broke my heart not once but twice
Shattered my hopes and dreams
I was paralyzed by your gorgeous face
You lied to me time and again

It was the way you walked
You had trapped me
I was awed at a body that looked like Aphrodite’s
Like a fly stuck in a web
Skin smooth as silk against my hands

As vicious this was for my spirit
I was already entangled in your web of lies
I found myself bound
You had caught me in a snare
Waiting to do the unjust punishing

I cherished you for you
We were one
I can’t believe I was deceived
You had enchanted me in a spell

You were like coyote the shape shifter
Puck the natural born trickster
Always feeding me with deceit

Let me be
Stop talking to me
The throbbing in my heart will never go away

Stay out of my life
Out of sight
I can’t stand to hear your name

You committed the ultimate transgression
I learned my lesson
You no longer control me

Though I was once yours
You were also mine
Stay out of my life and I will be fine.
