
  • Work-from-home


TM Star
Jan 11, 2009
You gaze in the distance, you see a light
As you get closer, you lose all sight
You’re awfully egotistical, you put on some shades
Thinking you can capture me, in some mystical way
You look in the cave, all around is fire
The further you step, your mouth gets drier
You brought with you water, as a means of escape
But as soon as you open it, it evaporates
You thought you could catch me, you started this trouble
Though you’re weary, exhausted, you still follow this tunnel

You’re bones are aching, they feel like gelatin
On the sides of the fire, you see a skeleton
A note is inside, the rib cage of his chest
While you read what it says, you realize you’re in a mess
The remains on the ground, that’s split into two
Is but a mere foreshadowing, of what might happen to you
Your legs are shaking, they feel like lead
You feel like you can’t walk, so you run instead
Deeper in you go, the temperature rises
Stopping and panting, you’re out of mileage

Looking around in awe, at the rings of fire
You’re scared to death, but you can only admire
You look up above, you’ve reached the top
However if you fall, it’s an never ending drop
You stare from across, see a figure in gray
A circle around me, its you’re judgment day
You look into my eyes, gray and icy cold

You no longer feel brave, you’re here all alone
I look into your eyes, searching your soul deep in depth
I advise you to lament, for you I only feel malevolence
Your not trustworthy, wanted me as a prize
Only here for self gain, just like all the time
You know me not, yet you consider me evil
I’ve thought of your sentence, it will not be feeble

You look at my finger, covered in blood
Around me flames arise, you seep into mud
Your trapped waist deep, there’s no way of escape
The fire gets closer, soon you’re incased
Your clothes are charred, face bleeding red
I throw you out my tunnel, you think of what I said
“Don’t try to take advantage of me, for your own concern
Like fire if you mess with me, you’ll only get burned.”
