SAMDA HEALING ENERGY [SHE] , The World Most Powerful Energy.

  • Work-from-home


Nov 29, 2010

SAMDA introduced by Prof. Dr. A. Samad Musafir; is an ancient healing system, it is a vital force and Healing Energy for the life. SAMDA Healing Energy has a positive impact on negative thinking or negative behavior or diseases. It is a powerful and forceful treatment and carries many benefits for both, the healer and the patient. SHE also decreases the side-affects of other methods of treatment like allopathic, homeopathic medicines. Being a positive force SAMDA Healing Energy can not harm or discomfort any body it provides relief and increases the life force of a body.

SAMDA Healing Energy works along with other treatments and brings harmony between different treatment methods so that the treatment methods are more effective and more powerful. SAMDA Healing Energy is an intelligent energy which directly goes to the effected part of the body and provides instant relief to the affected part of the body and stimulates the energy centres present in the body. Psychological and emotional disorders can very easily be removed through SHE.

SAMDA Healing Energy is very beneficial for children as it brings very pleasant change in their personalities. Children learn it much faster than elders. SHE increases the confidence level of kids and increases their intelligence; after learning SAMDA children start taking more interest in studies and other positive activities.

605 Clifton Center Block-5 Schon CircleCliftonKarachiPakistan.
Tel: (9221) 35810215 / 35444457 Cell: 0333-5444457.
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