Tea Cocktail Recipes from Chambar, Vancouver

  • Work-from-home


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Mar 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada

  • 2 oz Sake
  • ¼ tsp Fresh grated ginger
  • 1 1/2 oz 3 minute steeped imperial green tea.
  • ¼ oz *sugar syrup

Coriander leaves to garnish

Infuse sake with ginger, muddle with coriander root, shake with ice and imperial green tea. Serve martini style with a floating coriander leaf.

Sinatra’s Heaven

  • ½ tsp Old Blue Eyes tea by “T”
  • 1oz Pinot Noir
  • 2oz Organic apple cider
  • 2 Star anise

Mull Old Blue Eyes tea with pinot noir, star anise and organic apple cider, mull slowly over low heat. Serve 4oz shot glass.

Paired with Croustillant de canard confit au cidre de pomme -
Phyllo wrapped confit duck, caramelized shallots, roasted crab apple, hot-spiced cider.

Bristol Cognac

  • 2 oz Cognac
  • ½ tsp “T” English Breakfast tea leaves
  • ½ oz *Sugar syrup
  • 1 Cinnamon stick

Infuse English Breakfast Tea with cognac for 1 hour, infuse cinnamon with sugar syrup. Blend together to taste. Serve in cognac tulip glass. Paired with Milk chocolate bergamot pot de crème.

*Sugar syrup: equal parts sugar & water dissolved