Rules & Tips While Cooking

  • Work-from-home


~ ʍɑno BɨLii ~
Hot Shot
Aug 2, 2012

Assalam o AlaIKUm

some Rulse of kitchen hope it will be use full for all of us during co0king :)

Basic Rules of Kitchen Safety

Cooking is fun, but kitchen safety is a priority. Think about it: Knives! Fire! Bacteria! Observing basic rules of kitchen safety is a good habit to develop. Always pay attention to what you’re doing in the kitchen because one slip can cause serious injury or accidents.

Store knives in a wooden block or in a drawer. Make sure the knives are out of the reach of children.

Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair tied back. You don’t want anything accidentally catching fire (not to mention hair ending up in the food!).

Never cook while wearing dangling jewelry. A bracelet can get tangled around pot handles.

Keep potholders nearby and use them! Be careful not to leave them near an open flame.

Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. Children can’t grab them, and adults can’t bump into them if they’re out of the way.

Don’t let temperature-sensitive foods sit out in the kitchen. Raw meat, fish, and certain dairy products can spoil quickly, so refrigerate or freeze them right away.

Wipe up spills immediately. Keep the floor dry so that no one slips and falls.

Separate raw meat and poultry from other items whenever you use or store them. This precaution avoids cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one food to another.

Wash your hands before handling food and after handling meat or poultry. Hands can be a virtual freight train of bacteria.

Get a fire extinguisher for your kitchen. This device may not do much for your cherries jubilee, but it can avert a disaster. Make sure you know how to use it before a fire breaks out. You can’t waste any time reading the directions amidst the flames.

How to Put Out Kitchen Fires

When a fire starts in the kitchen, you need to act fast to keep the fire from getting out of control. But how you act depends on what kind of fire you have and where it is. Follow these instructions for putting out kitchen fires:

  • If you have a fire in the oven or the microwave, close the door or keep it closed, and turn off the oven. Don’t open the door! The lack of oxygen will suffocate the flames.

  • If your oven continues to smoke like a fire is still going on in there, call the fire department.

  • If you have a fire in a cooking pan, use an oven mitt to clap on the lid, then move the pan off the burner, and turn off the stove. The lack of oxygen will stop the flames in a pot.

  • If you can’t safely put the lid on a flaming pan or you don’t have a lid for the pan, use your fire extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire — not the flames.

  • Never use water to put out grease fires! Water repels grease and can spread the fire by splattering the grease. Instead, try one of these methods:
    • If the fire is small, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the burner.

    • Throw lots of baking soda or salt on it. Never use flour, which can explode or make the fire worse.

    • Smother the fire with a wet towel or other large wet cloth.

    • Use a fire extinguisher.
  • Don’t swat at a fire with a towel, apron, or other clothing. You’re likely to fan the flames and spread the fire.

  • If the fire is spreading and you can’t control it, get everyone out of the house and call 911! Make sure everybody in your family knows how to get out of the house safely in case of a fire. Practice your fire escape route.
Signs of Spoiled Canned Food
Whether you can food yourself or buy it canned, canned food has the potential to spoil. To avoid making yourself sick with canned foods that have spoiled, watch out for these signs of a spoiled product:

  • A bulging can or lid, or a broken seal

  • A can or lid that shows signs of corrosion

  • Food that has oozed or seeped under the jar’s lid

  • Gassiness, indicated by tiny bubbles moving upward in the jar (or bubbles visible when you open the can)

  • Food that looks mushy, moldy, or cloudy

  • Food that gives off an unpleasant or disagreeable odor when you open the jar

  • Spurting liquid from the can or jar when you open it
Botulism poisoning can be fatal. Because botulism spores have no odor and can’t be seen, you can’t always tell which jars are tainted. If you suspect that a jar or can of food is spoiled, never, never, never taste it. Dispose of the food responsibly.
How to Use Kitchen Knives Safely

How to Use Kitchen Knives Safely
Knives can cut you, whether they’re super sharp or very dull. Very sharp knives can easily cut skin, and dull knives can slip, putting you at risk for losing control and getting cut. You can prevent kitchen cuts in several ways:

  • Keep your knives sharp. But be sure to keep them out of reach of children. Dull knives can slip while you’re cutting. Also, you’re more apt to be careful with sharp knives.

  • Slice away from your hand and keep your fingers clear of the blade. Slicing away from your hand prevents an accidental cut if the knife slips.

  • Don’t ever use the palm of your hand as a cutting board. That’s just inviting the knife to slice into your hand!

  • When mincing, keep the tip of your knife on the cutting board and pump the handle up and down quickly. However, because that knife is moving fast, be extra careful about your fingers.

  • Curl your fingers under and hold the food with your fingertips when chopping. Better to ding a knuckle than slice a fingertip!

    Credit: Marshall Gordon/Cole Group/PhotoDisc
  • Use caution with steak knives. They’re sharp enough to cut meat, which means they’re sharp enough to cut you.

  • Don’t lick the cream cheese off that butter knife! It really can cut your tongue.

  • Secure your cutting board. If it doesn’t have rubber feet to help grip the counter, put a damp towel under the board when cutting.

  • Never slice things freehand over the sink. That’s just an accident waiting to happen!
If you do cut yourself, wash the cut and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Raise your hand above your head while you press the cut with a cloth or paper towel until the bleeding stops. Then, put antibiotic cream on the cut and bandage it.

Pressure Canning Low-Acid Foods
To can low-acid foods, you use a pressure canner. Pressure canning is the only safe way to can low-acid foods. Each step of the pressure-canning process is important to produce safe, home-canned foods:

Assemble your equipment and utensils.

Examine the jars for nicks or chips, screw bands for proper fit and corrosion, and new lids for imperfections and scratches. Wash them in warm, soapy water, rinsing well to remove any soap residue.

Place clean jars and lids in a kettle of hot, not boiling, water.

Never boil the lids because the sealant material may be damaged and won’t produce a safe vacuum seal.

Fill your canner with 2 to 3 inches of water and heat the water.

Refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions.

Fill the jars.

You want the food snug, yet loose enough for liquid to circulate into the open spaces.

Ladle boiling water into the jars, then release any air bubbles with a nonmetallic spatula.

Leave the amount of headspace stated in your recipe.

Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp cloth. Place a lid on the jar (seal side down) and secure the lid in place with a screw band.

Hand-tighten the band without overly tightening it.

Place the jars on the rack in the bottom of the canner.

Make sure you have the recommended amount of simmering water in the bottom of the canner.

Lock the cover.

Follow the instructions in the owner’s manual.

Allow a steady stream of steam to escape from the pressure canner.

Continue for 10 minutes or the time recommended in your manual.

Close the vent, bringing the pressure to the amount specified in your recipe.

Processing time starts when your canner reaches the required pressure. The pressure must remain constant for the entire processing time.

After the processing time has passed, turn the heat off and allow the pressure to return to 0.

Don’t disturb the canner while the pressure drops; jars that are upset may not seal properly.

Approximately 15 minutes after the pressure returns to 0, remove the canner lid.

Open the cover away from you to avoid the steam.

After 10 minutes, remove the jars from the pressure canner with a jar lifter and completely cool the jars.

Place them on a clean towel, away from drafts with 1 to 2 inches of space around the jars. Cooling the jars may take 12 to 24 hours.

Test the seals on completely cooled jars by pushing on the center of the lid.

If the lid feels solid and doesn’t indent, you’ve produced a successful seal.

Remove the screw bands of the sealed jars and remove any residue by washing the filled jars in hot, soapy water.

Safely Storing Fresh Seafood

To store fresh seafood that you've bought for sushi, you must follow some storage guidelines. All fresh seafood needs to be stored chilled — either in a refrigerator, freezer, or container of ice — to keep it tasty and safe for you to eat:

When you get your raw fish home, here’s what do to:

Immediately put the fish in the coldest part of your refrigerator (usually the bottom portion) until you serve it. Don’t stack anything on top of the fish.

Handle the fish as little and as gently as possible to prevent smashing or bruising the flesh.

Quickly rinse blocks of fish and fillets in a bowl of lightly salted cold water (2 teaspoons salt to 5 cups ice cold water) just before preparing it to eat. Pat it dry with paper towels.

These tips can keep shellfish safe until serving time:

As soon as you get live or shucked shellfish home, refrigerate them until just before you prepare them.

Live shellfish need air. Keep them in the refrigerator in a open dish or bowl covered with damp paper towels. It’s best to eat shellfish the day they’re purchased.

Scrub oysters, clams, and mussels just before preparing to eat them, until their shells are clean. Mussels often have filament, called a beard, hanging out. Pull it off.

If any mussels, clams, or oysters fail to shut when tapped, they’re dead, so throw them out. Similarly, if any shells are still closed after you cook them, throw them out.

Shucked scallops that you plan to eat raw should be eaten the day they’re purchased.
How to Prevent Kitchen Fires
You can do a lot to prevent kitchen fires. Although you can’t remove every possible source of a kitchen fire, you can minimize fire risks by removing hazards and maintaining your kitchen. Follow these prevention tips to keep your kitchen safe:

Keep appliances serviced, clean, and in good repair. Dump the crumb tray and clean out the toaster crumbs periodically from the toaster or toaster oven. Wipe out the microwave. Clean the oven. Unplug any appliances that start acting funny, then have them repaired or replace them.

Unplug electric appliances when not in use. Toaster ovens, mixers, coffee makers, and so on, continue to draw electricity even when they’re not turned on. So if the wiring is old or faulty, or if the thermostat overheats, a fire could break out.

Install a smoke detector near, but not in the kitchen. You don’t want the small amount of smoke or steam that cooking sometimes generates to constantly trigger the alarm — but you do want it to sense an actual kitchen fire.

Use caution when lighting the pilot light or burner on a gas stove. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Don’t use metal in the microwave. The sparks can turn into fire or can seriously damage your microwave.

Don’t overfill pots or pans with oil or grease. The hot oil or grease, like in this figure, can splatter and cause a fire.

Wipe up spills and don’t cook on a dirty stove. Grease buildup is flammable. A clean stove is a fire-free stove.

Always roll up long sleeves and tie back long hair when cooking. You don’t need your beautiful flowing silk sleeves trailing in the spaghetti sauce, and you certainly don’t need to catch on fire!

Never leave cooking food unattended. Stay in the kitchen, especially if you’re cooking in grease or if the oven is at a very high heat. Turn off the burner or oven if you need to leave the house or get caught up in a phone call.

Keep dish towels, pot holders, and paper towels away from the stove. You might have left a burner on by accident, and built-up heat could ignite combustibles left near or on the stove or oven.

How to Declutter Kitchen Countertops
Countertops are the most overlooked item in many kitchens. The counter is where you set out and prepare food (often on a cutting board), stack plates, put appliances, and lose car keys amid the clutter. A clean, clear countertop can inspire great meals:

Keep counters neat and clean. Food preparation goes much more quickly when you have sufficient room for all of your ingredients, tools, and cookware. So many kitchen counters are cluttered with paraphernalia that they become nearly useless.

Put away appliances you don’t use often. The most important key for organizing your counter space is to keep it clear of most stuff. Unless you use an appliance at least several times a week — the coffee machine, toaster, and blender, for example — put it away. That’s precious work space you’re filling up with all that stuff.

Keep non-kitchen items off the countertops. A kitchen counter isn’t a magazine rack, plant holder, wine bin, or phone book shelf, so try not to use it for these purposes if you actually want to cook.

Water-Bath Canning High-Acid Foods
Water-Bath Canning High-Acid Foods
Water-bath canning, sometimes referred to as the boiling-water method of canning, is the simplest and easiest method for preserving high-acid food. Water-bath canning destroys any active bacteria and microorganisms in your food, making it safe for consumption at a later time.

Prepare equipment and utensils.

Examine the jars for nicks or chips, the screw bands for proper fit and corrosion, and the new lids for imperfections and scratches. Wash everything in warm, soapy water, rinsing the items well and removing any soap residue.

Fill your canning kettle one-half to two-thirds full of water and begin heating the water.

Heat extra water in a saucepan as a reserve.

Submerge clean jars and lids in hot, not boiling, water.

Use your canning kettle for the jars and saucepan for the lids.

Transfer prepared food into the hot jars and release any air bubbles with a nonmetallic spatula.

Add more prepared food or liquid to the jar after releasing the air bubbles to maintain the recommended headspace.

Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp cloth.

You need the rims clean to properly place the lids.

Place a hot lid onto each jar rim and hand-tighten the screw band.

Make sure the sealant side is touching the jar rim.

Suspend the jar rack on the inside edge of your canning kettle, place the filled jars in the jar rack, and lower the jar rack into the hot water.

Make sure the jars are standing upright and not touching each other. If your jars aren’t covered by at least 1 inch of water, add boiling water from your reserve.

Cover the kettle and heat the water to a boil, reducing the heat and maintaining a gentle boil.

Start your processing time after the water boils. Maintain a boil for the entire processing period.

At the end of the processing time, remove your jars from the kettle with a jar lifter and allow them to cool.

Place them on a clean towel or paper towels. Completely cool the jars (12 to 24 hours).

Test the seals on the cooled jars by pushing on the center of the lid.

If the lid feels solid and doesn’t indent, you have a successful vacuum seal.

Remove the screw bands from your sealed jars, then wash the sealed jars and the screw bands in hot, soapy water.

This removes any residue from the jars and screw bands.

Label your filled jars, including the date processed, and store them (without the screw bands) in a cool, dark, dry place.

[USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86][USERGROUP=86]@TM_STAFF[/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP][/USERGROUP] @pyaridua @Manxil @Fanii @Shiraz-Khan @sweet bhoot @xortica_ @cute bhoot @shar @Aqsh_Arch
@Hira_Khan @h@!der @Guriya_Rani @*fajar* @^MysTeri0uS^ @STAR24 @Pari @Azeyy @fouziakhan @Ally
@shzd @Shizu @sitara_rani @StunninG_BeauTy @Sw33t AnG3L @Mahen
@whiteros @Afrasyyab @S_ChiragH @Fantasy @Rubi @Masoom_girl @Wafa_Khan @amazingcreator @auov @Fanii
@mARYAm_X_Swaggy @innocent_jannat @Ridha @DesiGirl @Raat ki Rani @fatimanoor @Ziddi_anGel @Fanii @STAR24 @saharkhan @yoursks @junaid_ak47 @fouziakhan @thefire1 @Taunsvi @Princess_Nisa @Fanii @Prince-Farry


~ ʍɑno BɨLii ~
Hot Shot
Aug 2, 2012

Assalam o AlaIKUm

some Rulse of kitchen hope it will be use full for all of us during co0king :)

Basic Rules of Kitchen Safety

Cooking is fun, but kitchen safety is a priority. Think about it: Knives! Fire! Bacteria! Observing basic rules of kitchen safety is a good habit to develop. Always pay attention to what you’re doing in the kitchen because one slip can cause serious injury or accidents.

Store knives in a wooden block or in a drawer. Make sure the knives are out of the reach of children.

Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair tied back. You don’t want anything accidentally catching fire (not to mention hair ending up in the food!).

Never cook while wearing dangling jewelry. A bracelet can get tangled around pot handles.

Keep potholders nearby and use them! Be careful not to leave them near an open flame.

Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. Children can’t grab them, and adults can’t bump into them if they’re out of the way.

Don’t let temperature-sensitive foods sit out in the kitchen. Raw meat, fish, and certain dairy products can spoil quickly, so refrigerate or freeze them right away.

Wipe up spills immediately. Keep the floor dry so that no one slips and falls.

Separate raw meat and poultry from other items whenever you use or store them. This precaution avoids cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one food to another.

Wash your hands before handling food and after handling meat or poultry. Hands can be a virtual freight train of bacteria.

Get a fire extinguisher for your kitchen. This device may not do much for your cherries jubilee, but it can avert a disaster. Make sure you know how to use it before a fire breaks out. You can’t waste any time reading the directions amidst the flames.

How to Put Out Kitchen Fires

When a fire starts in the kitchen, you need to act fast to keep the fire from getting out of control. But how you act depends on what kind of fire you have and where it is. Follow these instructions for putting out kitchen fires:

    • If you have a fire in the oven or the microwave, close the door or keep it closed, and turn off the oven. Don’t open the door! The lack of oxygen will suffocate the flames.
    • If your oven continues to smoke like a fire is still going on in there, call the fire department.
    • If you have a fire in a cooking pan, use an oven mitt to clap on the lid, then move the pan off the burner, and turn off the stove. The lack of oxygen will stop the flames in a pot.
    • If you can’t safely put the lid on a flaming pan or you don’t have a lid for the pan, use your fire extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire — not the flames.
    • Never use water to put out grease fires! Water repels grease and can spread the fire by splattering the grease. Instead, try one of these methods:
      • If the fire is small, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the burner.

      • Throw lots of baking soda or salt on it. Never use flour, which can explode or make the fire worse.

      • Smother the fire with a wet towel or other large wet cloth.

      • Use a fire extinguisher.
    • Don’t swat at a fire with a towel, apron, or other clothing. You’re likely to fan the flames and spread the fire.
    • If the fire is spreading and you can’t control it, get everyone out of the house and call 911! Make sure everybody in your family knows how to get out of the house safely in case of a fire. Practice your fire escape route.
Signs of Spoiled Canned Food
Whether you can food yourself or buy it canned, canned food has the potential to spoil. To avoid making yourself sick with canned foods that have spoiled, watch out for these signs of a spoiled product:

    • A bulging can or lid, or a broken seal
    • A can or lid that shows signs of corrosion
    • Food that has oozed or seeped under the jar’s lid
    • Gassiness, indicated by tiny bubbles moving upward in the jar (or bubbles visible when you open the can)
    • Food that looks mushy, moldy, or cloudy
    • Food that gives off an unpleasant or disagreeable odor when you open the jar
    • Spurting liquid from the can or jar when you open it
Botulism poisoning can be fatal. Because botulism spores have no odor and can’t be seen, you can’t always tell which jars are tainted. If you suspect that a jar or can of food is spoiled, never, never, never taste it. Dispose of the food responsibly.
How to Use Kitchen Knives Safely

How to Use Kitchen Knives Safely

Knives can cut you, whether they’re super sharp or very dull. Very sharp knives can easily cut skin, and dull knives can slip, putting you at risk for losing control and getting cut. You can prevent kitchen cuts in several ways:

    • Keep your knives sharp. But be sure to keep them out of reach of children. Dull knives can slip while you’re cutting. Also, you’re more apt to be careful with sharp knives.
    • Slice away from your hand and keep your fingers clear of the blade. Slicing away from your hand prevents an accidental cut if the knife slips.
    • Don’t ever use the palm of your hand as a cutting board. That’s just inviting the knife to slice into your hand!
    • When mincing, keep the tip of your knife on the cutting board and pump the handle up and down quickly. However, because that knife is moving fast, be extra careful about your fingers.
    • Curl your fingers under and hold the food with your fingertips when chopping. Better to ding a knuckle than slice a fingertip!

      Credit: Marshall Gordon/Cole Group/PhotoDisc
    • Use caution with steak knives. They’re sharp enough to cut meat, which means they’re sharp enough to cut you.
    • Don’t lick the cream cheese off that butter knife! It really can cut your tongue.
    • Secure your cutting board. If it doesn’t have rubber feet to help grip the counter, put a damp towel under the board when cutting.
    • Never slice things freehand over the sink. That’s just an accident waiting to happen!
If you do cut yourself, wash the cut and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Raise your hand above your head while you press the cut with a cloth or paper towel until the bleeding stops. Then, put antibiotic cream on the cut and bandage it.

Pressure Canning Low-Acid Foods
To can low-acid foods, you use a pressure canner. Pressure canning is the only safe way to can low-acid foods. Each step of the pressure-canning process is important to produce safe, home-canned foods:

Assemble your equipment and utensils.

Examine the jars for nicks or chips, screw bands for proper fit and corrosion, and new lids for imperfections and scratches. Wash them in warm, soapy water, rinsing well to remove any soap residue.

Place clean jars and lids in a kettle of hot, not boiling, water.

Never boil the lids because the sealant material may be damaged and won’t produce a safe vacuum seal.

Fill your canner with 2 to 3 inches of water and heat the water.

Refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions.

Fill the jars.

You want the food snug, yet loose enough for liquid to circulate into the open spaces.

Ladle boiling water into the jars, then release any air bubbles with a nonmetallic spatula.

Leave the amount of headspace stated in your recipe.

Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp cloth. Place a lid on the jar (seal side down) and secure the lid in place with a screw band.

Hand-tighten the band without overly tightening it.

Place the jars on the rack in the bottom of the canner.

Make sure you have the recommended amount of simmering water in the bottom of the canner.

Lock the cover.

Follow the instructions in the owner’s manual.

Allow a steady stream of steam to escape from the pressure canner.

Continue for 10 minutes or the time recommended in your manual.

Close the vent, bringing the pressure to the amount specified in your recipe.

Processing time starts when your canner reaches the required pressure. The pressure must remain constant for the entire processing time.

After the processing time has passed, turn the heat off and allow the pressure to return to 0.

Don’t disturb the canner while the pressure drops; jars that are upset may not seal properly.

Approximately 15 minutes after the pressure returns to 0, remove the canner lid.

Open the cover away from you to avoid the steam.

After 10 minutes, remove the jars from the pressure canner with a jar lifter and completely cool the jars.

Place them on a clean towel, away from drafts with 1 to 2 inches of space around the jars. Cooling the jars may take 12 to 24 hours.

Test the seals on completely cooled jars by pushing on the center of the lid.

If the lid feels solid and doesn’t indent, you’ve produced a successful seal.

Remove the screw bands of the sealed jars and remove any residue by washing the filled jars in hot, soapy water.
Safely Storing Fresh Seafood
To store fresh seafood that you've bought for sushi, you must follow some storage guidelines. All fresh seafood needs to be stored chilled — either in a refrigerator, freezer, or container of ice — to keep it tasty and safe for you to eat:

When you get your raw fish home, here’s what do to:

Immediately put the fish in the coldest part of your refrigerator (usually the bottom portion) until you serve it. Don’t stack anything on top of the fish.

Handle the fish as little and as gently as possible to prevent smashing or bruising the flesh.

Quickly rinse blocks of fish and fillets in a bowl of lightly salted cold water (2 teaspoons salt to 5 cups ice cold water) just before preparing it to eat. Pat it dry with paper towels.

These tips can keep shellfish safe until serving time:

As soon as you get live or shucked shellfish home, refrigerate them until just before you prepare them.

Live shellfish need air. Keep them in the refrigerator in a open dish or bowl covered with damp paper towels. It’s best to eat shellfish the day they’re purchased.

Scrub oysters, clams, and mussels just before preparing to eat them, until their shells are clean. Mussels often have filament, called a beard, hanging out. Pull it off.

If any mussels, clams, or oysters fail to shut when tapped, they’re dead, so throw them out. Similarly, if any shells are still closed after you cook them, throw them out.

Shucked scallops that you plan to eat raw should be eaten the day they’re purchased.
How to Prevent Kitchen Fires
You can do a lot to prevent kitchen fires. Although you can’t remove every possible source of a kitchen fire, you can minimize fire risks by removing hazards and maintaining your kitchen. Follow these prevention tips to keep your kitchen safe:

Keep appliances serviced, clean, and in good repair. Dump the crumb tray and clean out the toaster crumbs periodically from the toaster or toaster oven. Wipe out the microwave. Clean the oven. Unplug any appliances that start acting funny, then have them repaired or replace them.

Unplug electric appliances when not in use. Toaster ovens, mixers, coffee makers, and so on, continue to draw electricity even when they’re not turned on. So if the wiring is old or faulty, or if the thermostat overheats, a fire could break out.

Install a smoke detector near, but not in the kitchen. You don’t want the small amount of smoke or steam that cooking sometimes generates to constantly trigger the alarm — but you do want it to sense an actual kitchen fire.

Use caution when lighting the pilot light or burner on a gas stove. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Don’t use metal in the microwave. The sparks can turn into fire or can seriously damage your microwave.

Don’t overfill pots or pans with oil or grease. The hot oil or grease, like in this figure, can splatter and cause a fire.

Wipe up spills and don’t cook on a dirty stove. Grease buildup is flammable. A clean stove is a fire-free stove.

Always roll up long sleeves and tie back long hair when cooking. You don’t need your beautiful flowing silk sleeves trailing in the spaghetti sauce, and you certainly don’t need to catch on fire!

Never leave cooking food unattended. Stay in the kitchen, especially if you’re cooking in grease or if the oven is at a very high heat. Turn off the burner or oven if you need to leave the house or get caught up in a phone call.

Keep dish towels, pot holders, and paper towels away from the stove. You might have left a burner on by accident, and built-up heat could ignite combustibles left near or on the stove or oven.

How to Declutter Kitchen Countertops
Countertops are the most overlooked item in many kitchens. The counter is where you set out and prepare food (often on a cutting board), stack plates, put appliances, and lose car keys amid the clutter. A clean, clear countertop can inspire great meals:

Keep counters neat and clean. Food preparation goes much more quickly when you have sufficient room for all of your ingredients, tools, and cookware. So many kitchen counters are cluttered with paraphernalia that they become nearly useless.

Put away appliances you don’t use often. The most important key for organizing your counter space is to keep it clear of most stuff. Unless you use an appliance at least several times a week — the coffee machine, toaster, and blender, for example — put it away. That’s precious work space you’re filling up with all that stuff.

Keep non-kitchen items off the countertops. A kitchen counter isn’t a magazine rack, plant holder, wine bin, or phone book shelf, so try not to use it for these purposes if you actually want to cook.

Water-Bath Canning High-Acid Foods

Water-Bath Canning High-Acid Foods
Water-bath canning, sometimes referred to as the boiling-water method of canning, is the simplest and easiest method for preserving high-acid food. Water-bath canning destroys any active bacteria and microorganisms in your food, making it safe for consumption at a later time.

Prepare equipment and utensils.

Examine the jars for nicks or chips, the screw bands for proper fit and corrosion, and the new lids for imperfections and scratches. Wash everything in warm, soapy water, rinsing the items well and removing any soap residue.

Fill your canning kettle one-half to two-thirds full of water and begin heating the water.

Heat extra water in a saucepan as a reserve.

Submerge clean jars and lids in hot, not boiling, water.

Use your canning kettle for the jars and saucepan for the lids.

Transfer prepared food into the hot jars and release any air bubbles with a nonmetallic spatula.

Add more prepared food or liquid to the jar after releasing the air bubbles to maintain the recommended headspace.

Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp cloth.

You need the rims clean to properly place the lids.

Place a hot lid onto each jar rim and hand-tighten the screw band.

Make sure the sealant side is touching the jar rim.

Suspend the jar rack on the inside edge of your canning kettle, place the filled jars in the jar rack, and lower the jar rack into the hot water.

Make sure the jars are standing upright and not touching each other. If your jars aren’t covered by at least 1 inch of water, add boiling water from your reserve.

Cover the kettle and heat the water to a boil, reducing the heat and maintaining a gentle boil.

Start your processing time after the water boils. Maintain a boil for the entire processing period.

At the end of the processing time, remove your jars from the kettle with a jar lifter and allow them to cool.

Place them on a clean towel or paper towels. Completely cool the jars (12 to 24 hours).

Test the seals on the cooled jars by pushing on the center of the lid.

If the lid feels solid and doesn’t indent, you have a successful vacuum seal.

Remove the screw bands from your sealed jars, then wash the sealed jars and the screw bands in hot, soapy water.

This removes any residue from the jars and screw bands.

Label your filled jars, including the date processed, and store them (without the screw bands) in a cool, dark, dry place.

@Hira_Khan @h@!der @Guriya_Rani @*fajar* @^MysTeri0uS^ @STAR24 @Pari @Azeyy @fouziakhan @Ally
@shzd @Shizu @sitara_rani @StunninG_BeauTy @Sw33t AnG3L @Mahen
@whiteros @Afrasyyab @S_ChiragH @Fantasy @Rubi @Masoom_girl @Wafa_Khan @amazingcreator @auov @Fanii
@mARYAm_X_Swaggy @innocent_jannat @Ridha @DesiGirl @Raat ki Rani @fatimanoor @Ziddi_anGel @Fanii @STAR24 @saharkhan @yoursks @junaid_ak47 @fouziakhan @thefire1 @Taunsvi @Princess_Nisa @Fanii @Prince-Farry
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